Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Consumer Sentinel

Consumer Sentinel is a public law enforcement website I discovered.
From their About Us page:
The heart of Consumer Sentinel is a one-stop, secure investigative cybertool and complaint database, on a separate restricted-access secure web site, that provides hundreds of law enforcement agencies immediate access to Internet cons, telemarketing scams and other consumer fraud-related complaints. It gives consumers a way to voice their complaints about fraud to law enforcement officials worldwide.

Online since 1997, Consumer Sentinel responds to the fact that sharing information makes law enforcement stronger and more effective.  An international, multi-agency joint project, Consumer Sentinel also enhances cross-border consumer education and prevention efforts.

The Consumer Sentinel database, maintained by the Federal Trade Commission, now contains more than one million consumer fraud complaints that have been filed with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies and private organizations.

Interesting.  Their website also contains a complaint page, where consumers can enter their specific complaint.
Check it out.  The FTC seems serious about cybercrime.