Thursday, June 08, 2006

Mission Statement For Cybercrime

This blog is a labor of love.

My girlfriend is presently being cyberstalked. In the process of trying to help her, it occurred to me that, while there is quite a bit of information out there on cyberstalking in various locations, in very few places did I find a blog in cyberspace where a victim of cyberstalking could find all of the resources available to help them and the people that care about them.

This blog will attempt to fill that void.

I am not a lawyer, law enforcement official, nor a necessarily a victim's advocate. I am a lay person in the field. Over the course of the last several weeks and months, however, I have become somewhat well-versed in the field of cyberstalking and cybercrime.

I intend to cover various cyberspace issues and information, such as:

- Cyberstalking
- Identity Theft
- Legal Enforcement
- Hacking
- Data Protection

However, initially, education regarding cyberstalking is the topic nearest and dearest to my heart.

Suggestions to improve this blog are always welcome via the email contact address on the blog homepage.

Best Regards. Keep the faith!

This mission statement will appear on the blog side bar.